Friday 18 April 2008

15% von cvi. ix. AKA 'Cameron Durswith ii' by Jack Burston

"Generosity excursion is fruitful for minutes and the hours slopping from your escaping dirt bringing filth love is not very personable, it is however very
excitable for this time of Autumn. Not particularly Autumnal, but, yet, still reasonably coppered leaves and a sense of sentimental tinkering with the clocks and the push towards an erstwhile hour; of course the burgeoning after strokes are just falling out: save, save, save, building up the mother load -- for quite, no reason. More likely: dropped off on the train. Variable weather tempers the contrast between and over the potential in the pairing that is not preempted but pre-emptied in preparation, the tone of the build up is clearly anticipatory but it is also content with a happy remain of the already gained, of course the margin is tighter, arguably flexing under the weight of its perfectly eatable balance. Pining for an apple, originally supposed for a mouth -- now just all over the carpet, not needlessly though; an endless flow of deliciously pineless juice rushing down through the fibres and fiborous, naturally."

"Flex Mex, wrap it in a burrito, exposition expedition, wrapped in a burrito, ya dig?"

"Exposito. Brilliant, tune even, tune."

"Are you Cameron Durswith?"

"Gee, shucks, am I?"






AxeDreams said...

becket on poppers.

Jack Burston said...

True that - thanks man!