Wednesday 4 June 2008

'Raw-brack of Lamb 2' by Jack Burston

Raw-brack walked through the gate that foot-noted the end of his trimmed front garden. He sneezed in reaction to the pollen. The mask filled with mucus. With the paper in his inside pocket he carried on towards the bus-stop. He nodded in the direction of a rapidly sobering bench dweller.

He showed his pass to the driver and moved up the stairs. Raw-brack sat as close to the front as possible: third row. Whole row to himself. He pulled the paper from his pocket. He recited the address.

"Fifteen Maurice Avenue. Upper Bredmo. Carlstown. Zip code is: 8765-680-abdjjk."


"Fifteen Maurice Avenue. Upper Bredmo. Carlstown. Zip code is: 8765-680-abdjjk."

Faster again:

"Fifteen Maurice Avenue, Upper Bredmo, Carlstown. 8765-680-abdjjk."

He placed the paper back in the zip lined pocket. He reconstructed the train station and recalled where he would be able to find the timetables.

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